Request for Control Panel Icon - RealWorld forums

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Request for Control Panel Icon

Darker Icon requested
on March 20th 2013

Hello. I am requesting an edited version of this icon:
Its licence is "Free for non-commercial use".
I do not intend to use the edited version or the original commercially.

Now, in the new version, I am requesting that the variable aqua color compromising the majority of the icon be changed to shades of grey and black to make the icon appear darker. If it doesn't look good like that, then feel free to exercise creative freedom, just makes sure it's dark and has a hint of blue and very little if any of any other color besides black. (the orange pie chart is fine for the contrast)

Thanks in advance.

If there are any problems, don't hesitate to contact me. Just reply here I guess, I'll check it often enough.

on April 14th 2013

Here you go im not sure if its what you want

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