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Retain name

on July 22nd 2013

Hi I am resizing and saving in a different folder. is it possible to use without the file name change.

Great little program.

on July 22nd 2013

Yes, but you need to use a command line switch. For example:

PhotoResize.exe "-cC:\Resized Images\<PATH><NAME>.jpg" "source_folder"

Keep the double quotes...

on July 23rd 2013

thank you.

on July 26th 2013

Hi I have sent you a help request but I can't find it. Just to say I have fixed it this morning.

I have created a batch file to resize a large picture down to a web size then watermark and then create a thumbnail in the same folder. so all are watermarked.

it also recreates the folder structure.

this is the code for your other customers

PhotoResize.exe -800 -R -V -o "-cC:\Photos\<PATH><NAME>.jpg" c:\test\.
Watermark.exe c:\Photos
PhotoResize.exe -200 -R -o "-cC:\Photos\<PATH><NAME>.jpg_thmb.jpg" c:\Photos

the watermark droplet was set up with save as %FOLDER%\%NAME%.%EXT%

This combination of code is much faster than any other solution I have found including your own RealWorld photos. Its the speed of the initial PhotoResize.exe that saves the time.

I am a professional photographer - - and I have a mobile studio and I needed to get photos onto the computers for my customers to see on the day. I have up to 15 workstations connected to the file server running Terminal services. The large file sizes from the cameras slowed even the fastest computers. I also had "customers " photographing the screens and not buying the photos. This system reduces the file size making it faster and watermarks so protecting the photos a bit.

I will use LGphotos single file photogallery to display the photos. This is a fast thumbnail creator but still too slow on the day when customers are waiting so your system will premake the thumbnails.

The other advantage is that when I come to upload to my website the images are already watermarked and sized.

Many thanks - but you will want more than thanks - donation and licence fee for RealWorld Photos to follow.

Is it possible to integrate Photoresize into RealWorld Photos you could then make them into one droplet for all of it.

thanks again Graham - thefotografer

on July 26th 2013

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. I did not realize speed was the top priority for you. PhotoResize is faster, mainly because it can resize multiple photos simlutaneously on a multi-core CPU. Also, specialized code is always a bit faster than generic code. In RWPhotos, the processing of next file starts after the previos one has finished, because in some cases there may be dependencies. Also RWPhotos attempts to resave .jpg files with minimal loss, which takes some additional time. I should probably do something about it in the future. RWPhotos will probably focus more on batch processing and less on retouching.

I am not sure if you already doing this, but you may try creating a normal Windows .bat file with these 3 commands except you would probably want to replace the c:\test\. with %1 to pass the parameter from the .bat file to the first PhotoResize call.

on October 25th 2017

Thanks, This question helps me too....

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