Theme Of The Month Contest! - RealWorld forums

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Theme Of The Month Contest!

official listing
on July 29th 2013

SYNTHCRO is away, for an undisclosed amount of time.

Check my blog and this forum thread for entries related to the Theme of the Month Contest!

In Synthcro's absence I will be taking over the contest with Sirea resuming prize awarding duties in September.

In August free spray paint is the prize to all participants!
Stonemason's tools, buttons, gift wrapping paper and bows will also be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd best entries!

The theme for August is "School"!

Buses, books, paper, pens and pencils, crayons, maps, globes, chalk and chalk boards, glue and paste, an apple for your teacher, etc...

You decide, so long as it is related to school!

Let's see some of your great cursor and icon sets!


- Please message me with a link to your set upon completion. -
If I do not know you are entering a set your set will not be considered.

Good Luck to all!

on August 18th 2013

I made this one a while ago...

on August 24th 2013

Nice one Goku.

on September 3rd 2013

Has anyone forgotten to submit their August theme set?
Better hurry, it is September now!

You have 24 hours to submit any late entries so get with it!

The theme for September is Prehistoric!
Dinosaurs, mammals, caveman, plants, Ichthyosaurus...
Use your imagination and have fun!

Hope everyone had a wonderful summer!

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on September 17th 2013

New information on the Theme of the Month contest!

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on December 21st 2013

goku is the best!!
as well as the pika

on January 19th 2014

Happy New Year Everyone!

Make sure you enter the Theme of the Month contest in the coming months!

Have a look at the monthly themes for the contest here:

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on May 29th 2015

2015 Theme of the Month

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on August 13th 2015

Theme of the Month Contest information.

on December 14th 2015

Hi! :-)

I've sent you a message with the link to my icon set for the "TOTM - december" and the message appeared in my inbox: "From: cdl". *confused*
Now I won't dare to send the message again but I don't know if you received it. Better I ask in the forum, yup.
What's going on there, is the inbox kidding me?
Please help. I don't get it ... :')

on December 15th 2015

I got your set link.
Nice Christmas cursors!

on December 28th 2015

Check out the new TOTM Contest for 2016!

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19 replies were left out.

on July 22nd 2017

I have been discussing the TOTM Contest with AJaxx and we have come up with some ideas to improve the contest.

We will be testing new themes in the coming months and plan to include a Gaming Theme and an Anime Theme where the use of sprites will be allowed. We will suspend the original content rule to allow the use of sprites for these themes.

I would like to know what your thoughts are.
What changes would you like to see in the TOTM contest?

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on July 22nd 2017

I think it's good to reiterate that there is a button reward for entering a set. It's a great way to earn buttons for whatever you may need them for. Plus, what a great way to showcase your work!

on July 27th 2017

You are right AJaxx.
Everyone that enters a qualifying set wins something!

In addition there are button prizes in various denominations awarded according to how a set is judged.
Much like first, second, third, fourth prizes.

The better your set is the better your chances are to grab a hefty 1st prize!
Even if you are a novice you can win! Every month there is a new contest!
You could win 10, 20, 30, up to 50 or more buttons and a mystery prize!

Everyone that enters the contest wins something!
You can't win if you don't enter the contest!

Further reading: TOTM - Prizes

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The Male Boss
on November 4th 2017

I have an idea for the theme of the month contest.
All of the winners from each month of the year gets there entry for that month selected to take part in the theme of the month contest 2017 overall winner.
Then one of the selected entry is chosen to be the overall winner for the theme of the month contest 2017.
What do others think about this idea?

on December 8th 2017

Sounds like a good idea.
The 2017 Annual TOTM Contest would have to be held in January 2018 so that December's entrants could be included.

What would you suggest as a prize?

The Male Boss
on December 8th 2017

Suggestions for the prize

Suggestion A a bag of buttons betwwen 40-100 buttons

Suggestion B a workshop item that cost above 40 buttons but bellow 60 buttons.

These include joe janta 200 or a black flashlight or a wrapping paper role.

Suggestion C a workshop item that costs above 60 buttons but bellow 100 buttons.

These include two of the other items listed below suggestion B or a jar of cockades or a spray paint disspenser.

What do you think?
feel free to comment below

on December 12th 2017
item/button-bag.png image I prefer the plain and simple little bag of buttons that the recipient can spend however they choose.

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The Male Boss
on December 12th 2017

Yeah the bag of buttons makes more sense.
For the same reason you’ve said above.

The Male Boss
on January 4th 2018

2018 Theme Of The Month Contest

Check out The Theme Of The Month Contest for 2018.

on January 5th 2018


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2018 TOTM Contest

2018 TOTM Contest

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on February 11th 2018

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New addition to the TOTM Contest Rules.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image Work within your RW Portfolio must not contain plagiarized material. - [Including but not limited to images captured from the internet or copied icon/cursor sets without appropriate credit and licensing.]

on March 8th 2018

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New addition to the TOTM Contest Rules.

  • Only one set per category (Icon Sets and Cursor Sets) per user per month. - [If you create more than one set per category during a month submit your best set before the deadline for that month's contest.]


icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image Work within your RW Portfolio must not contain plagiarized material.
- [Including but not limited to images captured from the internet or copied icons or cursors without appropriate credit and licensing.]
- [If you use sprites please credit the author and list the web page for the sprites.]
- [Appropriate licensing for material that you did not create is "Custom". Only use "Public Domain" if you found the material in the public domain or you created the material.]


icon-image/8964-48x48x32.png image You may now enter two sets, one icon set and one cursor set, per month!
That means you can win two prizes from cdl!
You will still only receive one Mystery Present prize from Sirea.

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