Error saving file as gif - RealWorld forums

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Error saving file as gif

on September 5th 2013

Hello, I'm new in here and asking for your aid on how to successfully save an image as gif... I have 20 frames of 482x277 whenever i try to save it, it would give me an error message "Saving of file failed,Please try different Location" even if i save it on other location....Why's that?

on September 5th 2013

What software program are you using?

on September 5th 2013

RealWorld Paint sir and i noticed when i add a frame with picture that has an opacity of more or less 50% the error occurs... u have any idea sir about the problem? Thanks in advance

on September 5th 2013

*error occurs when opacity is less than 50% at the last 2 frames

on September 5th 2013

and also i tried to save the 2 frames as a separate gif images no error occured but when i add it on the remaining 18 frames the error occurs

on September 5th 2013

That seems like an error in the program, but what you are attempting to do would not work anyway. GIF does not support smooth transparency - a pixel in GIF file may either be completely transparent or fully opaque. GIF encoder must round the transparency value and if it is <50%, it becomes 0 = completely transparent. The whole frame would be empty (if the error did not occur).

So, you cannot have a GIF that smoothly "fades away". You can have animated PNG that does this, but animated PNG is only supported by Firefox and not other browsers. If you plan to use the GIF on a background that is known, you can workaround this problem by using "Image"->"Blend with background" command.

I'll post a fix that handles this case without error, but you'll just get an empty frame in this case.

on September 5th 2013

So here is the fix, that will produce empty frames if opacity of every pixel is less than 50% and not report errors. You need to download RWCodecImageGIF.dll and replace the old file in the installation folder.

on September 5th 2013

Thank you sir Vlasta I'll try to use that .dll and see if it works thanks alot

on September 5th 2013

Thanks for the fix sir, I'm able to produce gif images successfully and the frames are not empty it really worked :-D really thanks alot i've been spending more or less three hours finding a solution once again thanks

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