problem to open .u3d - RealWorld forums

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problem to open .u3d

on September 27th 2013

Are realwprld icon editor limited to open just u3d files created in it ?
If I trying to open u3d generated by other software, the error occurs:

The application failed to exequte request for unspecified reason. Please verify that all external conditions for the attempted operation are valid .

What can be wrong here ?

on September 27th 2013

Unfortunately, yes. The icon editor's u3d format is independent and completely different from the u3d used by Adobe.

on October 1st 2013

Is either converter available ? Whats software use similar u3d format to realworld icon editor ?

on October 1st 2013

No, the formats are very different and have completely different approaches. There probably is not any other software that would understand RWIE files except Unicorn3D itself.

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