Automatic Border Remove broken possibly? - RealWorld forums

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Automatic Border Remove broken possibly?

I'll just say it doesn't work in Raster images.
Mikey Z
on November 18th 2013

I'm not sure why but it doesn't work for me. I took a screenshot and cropped it down, then Eraser Flood painted the surrounding area, then used the border removal tool, but nothing happened. I made sure that I got the edges erased and it didn't work. Any idea what's wrong?

on November 18th 2013

I did some tests and all worked as expected. Didn't it perhaps undo the crop instead of doing nothing? That would make sense, because the crop tool does not really delete the content, it just hides it.

on November 18th 2013

I think "Remove Border" (currently) only removes transparent edges.

Mikey Z
on November 20th 2013

It could possibly be that a piece of my copy got erased by my antivirus, I'll reinstall in case. My antivirus was a bit paranoid for the first week I had it, it tried to kill Construct 2 (My favorite app! It builds HTML5 games), Chrome, Libre Office... it even took my game sprite collection!

I wasn't using the Crop tool though, I was using the one in the Image menu. And yes I made the border transparent. I gave up and used Crop, but it took a few tries to get just the border.

Mikey Z
on November 23rd 2013

Yeah it was that. It worked perfectly after I reinstalled it. Huh. Wouldn't the antivirus program have taken the whole thing?

on November 24th 2013

I think you should change your AV, no?

Mikey Z
on November 29th 2013

Meh, it works after you write a whitelist. And apparently it's excuse was that that one file was infected and was a "potentially maliciously modified application piece", and considered the main app clean.

But I'm definitely switching to AVG once I get out of high school and get a job :P

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