Animated cursor jumping! I can't figure out why! - RealWorld forums

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Animated cursor jumping! I can't figure out why!

on January 15th 2014

Hello! When I add a mouse pointer and then add the animated wheel that is standard with the cursor editor program, it aligns the mouse pointer and the wheel together on the center of the small sample window at the top left. If you get my meaning. When I change the cursor hot spot from the center where it originally aligned it to the tip of the mouse pointer, the image in the grid at the top left starts jumping back and forth from the new hot spot at the end of the mouse pointer to the old hotspot that was in the center. If I'm not describing this enough, please let me know. I can't figure out why it is doing this. If anyone could help me, that would be great.

Also, it does the same thing in the mouse test area on the left and when I actually add it to the mouse on my computer.

on January 16th 2014

You have changed the hot spot for only 1 frame of the animation and so it is jumping. Each frame can have hot spot in a different place.

You need to change the hot spot for all frames. You can do that in multiple ways. Either change frames one by one or (return the one changed hot spot to the original position) drag image in the preview window while it is animating - that will change the hot spots for all frames at once.

on January 17th 2014

Hey, Vlasta! Thank you very much! Worked perfectly!

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