puzzling problem when animating - RealWorld forums

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puzzling problem when animating

spin frame goes off course
on March 14th 2014

I just started using RealWorld Cursor Editor v. 2013.1 on the Windows 7 64-bit machine. Previously I was using version 2012.1 on an XP 32-bit machine.

In trying to create an animated spinning cursor, I am encountering problems that I did not have previously: I set the hotspot in the center of the image, but when I click on Spin Frame, the image does not spin around the chosen center but wobbles on and off course. This occurs for both the 32 x 32 and 48 x 48 sizes.

I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, because this is just what I did with the previous version, but if there is something I can do to remedy the situation, please tell me what it is.


on March 14th 2014

Oooops, looks like an error slipped in. To fix it, please right click on the Spin Frame button and select "Configure toolbar", then, click on the last item in the list (#15), then click on the blue text on the right side and finally find a line that looks like:

var rotation = Operation.Create("Raster Image - Rotate");

and put the following on the next line:

rotation.Extend = 0;
on March 14th 2014

OK. That's much better now. Thanks!

on March 17th 2014

I didn't know that! Good to have the fix now.

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