Need Help with GIF: after creation discoloration - RealWorld forums

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Need Help with GIF: after creation discoloration

on April 24th 2014

Hello! please may someone help me i created an image as a GIF File when i was working on the file the colors were normal. after i finished my GIF creation the colors i used in some areas were discolored for exampl when i used blue in some area of that blue it was purple aslo, other colors that i used were scattered around the picture. How can I normalize the colors?

on April 24th 2014

What software and version did you use to make the gif? Did you start from scratch or used an existing file? What software did you use to display the file? What is the size and approximately how many colors does the image have?

on April 24th 2014

well the software that i used is real world paint i do not know wht version im using , the image size is 1800x2200 pixels. I used 5 coolors in the painting. and i created the image from scratch however i used no layers for the animation. could using no layers possibly contributed to this issue?

on April 24th 2014

I did a quick test and it looks that there may be a with large images. The palette is not generated correctly if the image is too big. Do you need to use GIF for your large image?

on April 24th 2014

what if i reduce the image size? will it normalize the color? how many pixels should i reduce the canvass to?

on April 25th 2014

yes, it is likely to work for smaller images

reducing it to 50% of what you have currently may be sufficient

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