What's the best method to caption a gif? - RealWorld forums

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What's the best method to caption a gif?

I can do it, but some of my gifs have a TON of frames...
Vector Lightning
on November 22nd 2014

What's the best method to caption a gif? Just copying-and-pasting a layer onto each frame? I can do it but it takes a lot of clicks, considering I usually use kinda long animations and just doing ctrl-V pastes a new frame instead of a new layer if the last thing you clicked was the next frame. Having a trackpad mouse makes things even more frustrating :P Do most people who decide to make gif animations just caption each frame or is there a faster method some use?

on November 22nd 2014

You want to put the same text or image on all frames of a GIF? The simplest way would probably be to select all frames and go to Image->Watermark There you can pick a text or an image to put on every selected frame.

Vector Lightning
on November 23rd 2014

Thanks a bunch! I really should've noticed that one.


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