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Parameterization - Math Functions

Where can I find all expressions to use in the parameterization?
on March 22nd 2015

Where can I find all expressions to use in the parameterization?

In has some, but the "tan" is written wrong and does not work, the correct is "tg", the "pow (sub_expr, sub_expr)" not clarifies what is and what are the "sub_expr" and the "(x)^y" works and is not mentioned in this page.

Please inform the link.

Best Regards

on March 22nd 2015

Thanks for the report, I have fixed the tg part and added some explanations to the page. The available functions may also differ depending on version.

on March 22nd 2015

Hello Vlasta,

Thanks a lot for your very rapid reply and for their valuable work!

I thought it had more expressions and I miss the arc tangent function "atg" to find angles.

After testing I found out, but I suggest you clarify the &&, || operators - (AND, OR). Not everyone knows as much as you!

PS. My English is not good but it is better than many. I contributed to the pt_BR translation of 47% to the current 80%, I believe the RWIE Unicorn3D is at 100%. I found a lot of mistakes, but I could not fix them because I have no privileges for that.

Again, thank you.

Best Regards

on March 22nd 2015

Thanks for the translation, I have given you language moderator rights so that you can change translated expressions uploaded by others. BTW you can also edit the U3D page via a link in the footer.

on March 23rd 2015

Thank U Vlasta.

Ok, it worked, I could send the corrections in translation that I had done within the RWIE.

I have studied a little of NURBS and made some NURBS exercises using the RWIE Unicorn 3D and as I'm finding errors in translation or a better I'll correcting.

I started studying NURBS and now I have a big problem of trigonometry, good to take rusts! Once I solve a problem I seek another! \ o /

Any news on the arc tangent function "atg"?

Thanks for RWIE Unicorn 3D :-)

Best Regards

on March 23rd 2015

You can try an updated Unicorn3D here:

There are also other changes, so some things may not work.

You can use atg(x) or atg(y, x) in this version. If you use the second version, it will give you a value between -pi and pi and deal with cases where one of the given parameters is 0.

on March 23rd 2015

Very nice!

I already had the Unicorn3D 2013.1 but not yet tested it because I think it's the same version of RWIE.

I'll try 2014.1.


Best Regards

on March 23rd 2015


Avast antivirus accused as threat (Win32:Evo-gen [Susp]) the Unicorn3D 2014.1 U3D_N23D.dll file and moved it to quarantine.

I think you have to formalize it with Avast.

on March 23rd 2015

Thanks, I do not really have the energy to deal with anti-virus companies.

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