Cutting holes into shapes - RealWorld forums

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Cutting holes into shapes

on March 29th 2015

Is there a way to cut a shape out of a an existing shape? I thought I could draw another shape on to of the existing one and then use it to cut out a shape. I see a tutorial where a circle is cut out by hitting control X but I can't make this work. I also can't find any drawing tools besides inserting the shape icons. How can you just draw a shape?

on March 30th 2015

In what application?

on March 30th 2015

Real World Icon Editor.

Vector Lightning
on March 30th 2015

Not using Icon Editor, but can't you just draw a transparent shape over it with "replace pixels" mode on?

(Reason I don't use Icon Editor ever: I found that you can rename PNGs of the right size to ICO and it works just fine on Windows)

gonna download and try now

on March 30th 2015

Interesting approach, where is the 'replace pixels' mode setting?

on March 30th 2015

If you are drawing in 2D, you can also just select a completely transparent color and draw the hole. If your active color is completely transparent, it automatically switches to replace mode. Otherwise, the button for modes (Paint over, Replace, Paint under) is above the canvas.

Regarding renaming .png to .ico, it may work in some cases, but it will not work in others. You can quickly convert .png to .ico online.

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