Having issues with plugins - RealWorld forums

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Having issues with plugins

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Vector Lightning
on June 4th 2015

Recently my plugins for scanning and printing got uninstalled, and now none of the plugins will install. The Install button is there, and it changes to Uninstall after locking for a moment, but nothing else changes, and after restarting the app, it says Install again. I reinstalled the program, and it had no effect. Is anyone else having issues?

Another problem came up at the same time, some critical error happens when I open the Media tab in the editor, I get no info other than the standard "Application has stopped working" and crash.

on June 4th 2015

Sounds weird, if you have the normal version (non-portable), both plug-ins and media are stores in a folder in your user profile - you can get there by typing %APPDATA%\RealWorld\RWPaint in Windows file manager.

Is there enough space on your harddrive? Have you installed something that could interfere with other programs?

You can try the portable version instead, it stores plug-ins elsewhere, maybe it will work.

Vector Lightning
on June 4th 2015

I'll see if going portable works.

My drive is pretty empty, surprising. And I can't think of what could be interfering... Unless I need to run as Admin? I'll try that first.

BRB, testing it.

Vector Lightning
on June 4th 2015

Woah. Switching to Run as Admin fixed all that. Huh.

Portable mode seems to fix the bug too, if I move it out of Program Files.

... Weird, that admin thing's new. I guess it's a quirk on my machine. Any info on how to make a shortcut open as admin each time?

on June 4th 2015

You can right-click on an .exe and in Properties on Compatibility tab you can enable this. But it should not be necessary. That folder in your user profile should be accessible without admin rights. Maybe check that folder.

Vector Lightning
on June 4th 2015

It's not in my user folder, it's in the shared apps folder. Maybe that has something to do with it, but that doesn't explain why it broke but everything else works... Well, I guess reinstalling "just for me" instead of "for everyone" might fix it.

on June 4th 2015

I think that install option only affects the location of desktop shortcut and start menu items. Try experimenting with files in the %APPDATA%\RealWorld\RWPaint folder (but do make a backup). Maybe delete it and then copy the files back one by one, starting and closing the application each time.

Vector Lightning
on June 5th 2015

It seems that the location doesn't matter for the app itself, as long as it's in a place that doesn't require User Account Controlls. If you install in a location like Program Files, where you're going to get the "Sure want to allow this to modify your computer?" alert, that's all that's stopping it.

I guess the real problem is that it strangely triggers the U.A.C. blocker without triggering the yes/no dialog.

I'm no programmer, so I could be completely and utterly wrong. These are just hunches.

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