How to color objects in Unicorn 3D? - RealWorld forums

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How to color objects in Unicorn 3D?

Do you use spray paints?
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on January 19th 2016

How do you color your objects in Unicorn 3D? Because I'm going to try and make a set of poke-balls in Unicorn 3D so I would like to know how to color objects in Unicorn 3D.

on January 20th 2016

When an object is selected (one of its control handles), its color and texture can be changed in a panel near the right side of the window. You may need to drag the panel or collapse or resize the first panel to see it.

Username destroy
on January 21st 2016

Thanks Vlasta! But how would you color it more than one color?

Username destroy
on February 9th 2016

Anyone! Please help! If no-one knows at least tell me that.

on February 10th 2016

You can try using a texture.

Username destroy
on February 11th 2016

Thanks, that was sooooooooooooooo helpful!Not sarcasm.

Username destroy
on February 11th 2016

Really, Really helpful Vlasta!Not sarcasm.

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