Flat toolbar button glyphs - RealWorld forums

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Flat toolbar button glyphs

on February 24th 2016

Is there any support in this regard?

Target use on Win 10..


on February 24th 2016

what do you mean?

on February 25th 2016

I mean the flat none 3D style buttons as seen in the new Windows 10 design.

on February 25th 2016

You mean in the icon editor? Grab the "latest (unstable)" version and there is extensive support for this kind of simplistic design.

on February 28th 2016

Thank you for the hint...

I was already using it for automatic png (256*256) to icon-set batch processing. It seams that it behave a bit different than the old (last) one.
I used drop shadowing option and the resulting 32*32 icon was reduced to much, so I still used the old one with no much border on 256*256 design...


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I wish there were...