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Drag & Drop to subfolder

Resize a photo to a subfolder
on May 21st 2016

I've been using the pictureresizer program for awhile. I luckily found it randomly on one of my countless online searches. The ease and simplicity is incredible - and that it works better than most is crazy.

Typically i use this in its basic form. Drag & Drop photos onto the icon to run the simple batch command PhotoResizeP50IO.exe
This is very helpful in my day to day as i need smaller size when i'm working with them inside documents or emailing around. I do need to maintain the original file however.
My folder structure is pretty basic, but works quite effectively for me. I simply organize by folder grouping, and the smaller photos are in the "\smaller" to the original ones.

This leaves the following structure,
..\[original named whatever]
..\[original named whatever]\smaller

My normal procedure is simply,
- Create new folder (\smaller)
- Copy all photos from base folder to \smaller folder (duplicate files)
- Select all (from \smaller folder), drag onto icon.

I would love to find a way to simply select the original sizes and have it resize and place in a subfolder called "\smaller". For my wandering around, i can't find a way to do this, all the <path> seem to be absolute, and not a relative to the photo.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

TLDR: Want to keep original, and place the resized image to ..\smaller subfolder.

on May 21st 2016

You would need to use the -c command line switch, more precisely

PhotoResizeP50O.exe "-c<ROOT><PATH>smaller\<NAME>.jpg"

If you want to keep using the tool by dragging and dropping a folder on the icon, you would need to create a .bat file, put the following in and drag and drop files/folders on that.

PhotoResizeP50O.exe "-c<ROOT><PATH>smaller\<NAME>.jpg" %*

(Make sure PhotoResizeP50O.exe is in the same folder as the .bat file.)

on May 24th 2016

I tried out the .bat solution, but several issues i've found in troubleshooting it.
- .bat only works when both '*.bat' & '.exe' is in the same folder as image.
- \smaller folder is created correctly, however photo is not inside
- overwrites original photo and compresses (not a copy created)

Any idea if i'm doing something wrong or if there is a way to fix the above issues?

on May 25th 2016

Note that I have do not have the I (overwrite files) in the filename, because it takes precedence.
Perhaps you can use full path to the tool in the bat file

C:\wherever your tool is\PhotoResizeP50O.exe "-c<ROOT><PATH>smaller\<NAME>.jpg" %*
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