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Inject icon into c++ program 2003
on February 4th 2007

Ok, Made a icon, not that hard.

But vs 2003 sp1 does not supprot the new vista format yet:

".\myapp.rc(2988) : error RC2176 : old DIB in myicon.ico; pass it through SDKPAINT"

which is of course a result of the png info which did not exist before.

Is there still a way to inject the new resource into my application so vista will see it?

on February 4th 2007

Yes, you can either install the latest Windows Platform SDK or use this icon replacer.

on February 4th 2007

Just what i need! thx for the speedy reaction.

I just did not notice the left menu changed and more articles were availabe, i just noticed the "What is a ..."

on March 12th 2008

I recently hit the "old DIB in xxxx.ico; pass it through SDKPAINT" problem and came across this thread while looking for a solution. I was using an application named Icofx v1.5.01 to create my ico file and I got rid of the problem by unselecting the option to "Compress 256x256 images for Windows Vista". (Menu | Options | Preferences | Options Tab)

I'm developing an MFC app using Visual Studio 2005 Pro Edition. I'm developing and testing on XP machines, so I do not yet know what impact this will have when/if I try to run this on Vista.

on March 12th 2008

It will work on Vista without problems, but an uncompressed icon with all formats takes ~400kB, which is relatively lot.

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