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A request/question

Want to know if I can make RWP act a certain way
on August 7th 2016

First off, I have used RWP for 2 years and I could never go to anything else... it is perfect. There is only one thing that bugs me and I am wondering if I can alter the code to get this operation.

When I click open, and it goes to my desktop, I always have to right click and then sort by date as it is almost always that I am editing that image plus it is easier to find. Can I make RWP open to that setting always?

on August 10th 2016

It is not possible to just reconfigure the application to do what you want. The application embeds and Windows Explorer window to show the content of a folder and the sorting is therefore not under my direct control. There may be a way to save the state of the view, but I'll have to change the application and check if it does not interfere with something else.

Would not the Recent tab help in most cases in your use scenario?

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