Windows not recognizing edited cursor with .cur extension - RealWorld forums

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Windows not recognizing edited cursor with .cur extension

on March 22nd 2017

I slightly edited and then saved a cursor pointer, using the .cur extension. In Windows 10 I then tried to replace a cursor with the one I had edited. I browsed to the file with the edited cursor. But when I loaded the file, the image did not reflect the edits that had been made. What appeared was the unedited original image. After closing and re-starting RW and loading the .cur file the image does appear in its edited state, i.e., saving the file had not cleared the edits. I have also noticed that in Windows Explorer the icon for the edited cursor file shows the unedited original. So why didn't the edited image appear when I actually tried to use it in Windows? Any help would be appreciated

on March 23rd 2017

most likely, you are having a cursor with 2 formats and you only modified one of them

on March 23rd 2017

Thank you. Can you tell me how to locate the other format?

on March 24th 2017

Try the "Preview" panel near the left edge of the window.

on March 24th 2017

The preview shows only the image I have been working on. Under the pointer image is the notation: 10[s/60].

on March 26th 2017

Problem Solved. I found the 'formats' tab on the right near the top. There I saw that I did have two formats, 48x48 and 32x32. I was working on the 48x48. After deleting the 32x32 all went well. The modified 48x48 showed up when selected as a mouse pointer. Thank you Vlasta for taking the time to assist.

on March 28th 2017

If it is on the right, you may have an older version.

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