RWPaint is saving wrong color indexes - RealWorld forums

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RWPaint is saving wrong color indexes

on October 2nd 2017

I'm noticed are several image editor saving wrong colors indexes. And only a few do it properly.

The number is indicating color index
I will say the color index in this order:
top right square, bottom right square, top left square, bottom left square, center (pink)

This is the original image
The color index is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 - as indicates the image, of course :P

Now, we will modify and save the image in these programs:
LazPaint, RealWorld Paint, PictBear, Paint Shop Pro 4.

The image edited with LazPaint:
The color index now is: 4, 1, 3, 0, 2 - wrong index

The image edited with RWPaint:
The color index now is: 1, 4, 2, 3, 0 - wrong index

The image edited with PictBear:[/u]
The color index now is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 - correct index

The image edited with Paint Shop Pro 4:
The color index now is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 - correct index

Note: You can view the color index with Paint Shop Pro 4 using the color selector tool

Note 2: RWPaint seems save correct color index with BMP, but not with PNG images.
I don't know about other formats for now.

on October 2nd 2017

That is probably because RWPaint does not work in indexed mode and rather converts the image to full 32bit RGBA when loaded. This allows you to use any colors and drawing tools without explicitly setting image mode like in some other editors. The palette is then generated again (or not) when the file is being saved - depending on the file format and the image. As long as the resulting image looks exactly the same, the indices are technical detail, right? If you need to preserve them, you should use an editor that works in indexed mode internally.

on October 3rd 2017

I see.
But please, can you add at least an option to save and load palette?
so, we can save original palette, and use that palette when saving to 256 colors?

on October 3rd 2017

I am not convinced it would be worth the time and additional UI clutter.

on December 29th 2017

you are not convinced ?? how about to go fuck your self? do you expect from as to list the countless reasons why we need palettes? are you so stupid?

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