Recusive in place resizing not workink? - RealWorld forums

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Recusive in place resizing not workink?

on June 13th 2018

Hi, I'm trying to resize a large drive full of images, replacing each image with smaller version, I've come up with -

photoresize -^1280 -r -i -m -q85 -s -e d:\photos

This does indeed recurse through all the folders and subfolders, however it does not always replace the existing images, sometimes it adds a new file with -1280 appended to the end of filename. In the test set I'm using the correct behaviour is only on the first and last folders, the ones inbetween have the additional files created.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

on June 13th 2018

The command looks OK. Could some of the files be marked readonly? In that case, the tool would not replace them. Or maybe there could be a bug related to the "skip smaller" and "in-place" flags.

on June 15th 2018

Vlasta - that's exactly the problem! Some random files were read-only.
Many thanks for your help!

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