Only generic icon file types showing after I used RWIE beta. - RealWorld forums

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Only generic icon file types showing after I used RWIE beta.

on June 18th 2018

I had previously had a problem with the images of icons not showing (whether in thumbnail or details view) in my file managers. After my laptop got re-imaged, the problem went away. But this weekend, *immediately* after downloading the "Latest (Unstable)" version of RWIE, and running it once, the generic file images are showing again. Can you think of any ideas to remedy this? I can't uninstall RWIE, because it seems to be a portable app.

on June 18th 2018

Just running the application does not have any effect on the icons of any file types. You would have to explicitly associate the affected file types from within the application or via Windows Explorer to change the icons.

Windows Explorer may do this if you for example double-click an .ico file and then select an application to use to open it. If you did that, you can either manually fix the registry or you can re-associate .ico files with the editor from main menu Tools->File associations... That will set up the previews correctly unlike the Windows Explorer itself.

on June 18th 2018

Thanks for the quick reply! I think my version of Windows 10 is goofy. It's my work computer, and a lot of the settings are controlled by my employer (though I'm an admin of the computer). Anyway, I did get it to work. I did as you recommended, but there was an additional step: After using the setting in RWIE, I had to then go to Windows Control Panel > Default Apps > Set by File Type, then set RWIE as the default for ICO. Now the .ico files all show their own individual images, as desired. Thanks again Vlasta!

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