.png file issue - RealWorld forums

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.png file issue

creating an icon from a .png with a transparent background creat
on May 31st 2007

When viewing a .png in the program, it appears fine, but when used as an icon a black and white bevel appears around the image, and the transparent background becomes white. The white is easy to fix with the flood tool but the bevel forces me to use the pencil to erase pixel by pixel... I foudn the best way to get around this is to take a screenshot of the .png and save it as a .bmp to prevent the bevel and allowing the background to be erased easily with the flood tool. Is this a known error? is there a better way to fix it?

on May 31st 2007

I have to admit, I do not understand what you mean, there should be no problems with transparent pngs. Could you send me example images to info@rw-designer.com and possibly describe the step by step what you did?

on June 1st 2007

Sure thing

The Sword of the Heart
on August 1st 2007

I'd flood fill the 'transparent' parts of the PNG with a color not used anywhere else in the image - for example, neon green in an otherwise-monochrome image. Once you get it into RWIE, you can flood fill the neon green with transparency and your icon is unharmed. ;-)

on August 2nd 2007

Hi All,

I want to change the transparency of the PNG image, for that I gone through the document which say that, after changing the tRNS chunk of the PNG datastream we can change the transparency of the PNG image.

But after changing the 4 bytes of the tRNS chunk I can't get the transparency.

So any body can me to solve this Problem or suggest any other method to change the transparency.


on August 2nd 2007

It would be better to post this in another thread, since it is a completely different topic, but...

"Change the transparency" is a bit vague. The tRNS chunk applies to palette-images only. Hacking internals of PNG can be tricky, why don't you use a library like libpng if you need to work with these images or any png-supporting application if you just need to change a few of them?

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