Problem with 128x128 component of icons - RealWorld forums

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Problem with 128x128 component of icons

doesn't view in some apps
on February 15th 2019

I'm happy to finally be able to report this for you Vlasta. I have seen this issue for years, but it only ever happened when viewing my homemade icons in the explorer replacement--XYplorer. The icons appear normal in RWIE, other icon editors, Windows Explorer, TotalCommander, and xplorer2. Today the problem occurred in a second program though. The screenshots at the bottom are from MacroExpressPro's icon selector.

I noticed that the textual descriptor of the icon is also strange, so hopefully that will provide an idea of what is happening. In the first image here, is my friend Casey. Notice that the 128pix component appears blank. This happens whether the icon is created in the RW icon editor, or if it's made via a batch operation.

The below image of the MacroExpress icon selector has a droplist to allow you to choose which size you're viewing. The items on the list are:

16x16 - True Color/Alpha Blend
24x24 - True Color/Alpha Blend‭ ‬
32x32 - True Color/Alpha Blend

The "169478669x109051904- " is unique to RWIE-made icons. As you might guess, icons from other sources have:
128x128 - True Color/Alpha Blend
16x16 - True Color/Alpha Blend
24x24 - True Color/Alpha Blend‭ ‬
32x32 - True Color/Alpha Blend

Any thoughts? -Steve

on February 15th 2019

It is most likely due to PNG compression of the larger images in .ico files. The latest version of RWIE tries to minimize the size of the embedded PNG which in some cases may lead to one of the other PNG flavors than the plain RGBA 32-bit format. If a program does not support the PNG standard properly, it may result in this kind of errors.

on February 15th 2019

That makes sense I guess. If I create an individual icon from a PNG image, then set compression = None while exporting, then the icon appears to be normal.

Please consider adding a feature in RWIE to set "compression = none" to all of my batch operations (?)

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