Selling Spray Paints and Wrapping Paper Pieces - RealWorld forums

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Selling Spray Paints and Wrapping Paper Pieces

I'm selling spray paints, I figured I'd make my own forum topic because I've been posting in other people's
on December 9th 2019

I'm selling spray paints for buttons:
Darkgoldenrod for 4 buttons
Coral for 4 buttons
Black for 3 buttons
2 Wrapping Paper Pieces for 1 button
Red and Purple for 1 button each

on December 18th 2019

I'm still selling spray paints for buttons:
Darkgoldenrod for 4 buttons
Coral for 4 buttons
Black for 3 buttons
2 Wrapping Paper Pieces for 1 button
Red and Purple for 1 button each
Gray for 4 buttons
Green for 3 buttons

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