hello everyone, I'm Italian ..
therefore the lack of translation of the files in Italian does not
it helps a lot.
I discovered your software by accident, but I didn't understand ..how to draw? '
however, I have other graphics and paint programs ..
lover of the game HALO I created two pointer cursors that are a show ..
one also colored it .. obtaining an image
well guys who help me ??
how do I insert my image into your program ??
and how with it I shrink it so that it becomes
my cursor pointer ??
thank you
I'll talk you to italian, so you can understand better:
Innanzitutto, fai clic sull'opzione che dice Cursor from Image quindi fare clic Create dopo averlo fatto, scegli la tua immagine.
Ora, se vuoi ridimensionare, fai clic sullo strumento che dice Transformation Tool. Se vuoi farlo rapidamente, premi il tasto X sulla tastiera. Seleziona l'immagine e ridimensionala una volta che sei soddisfatto. Spero abbia aiutato.
I hope it helped, sorry if I made a typo or something else, I used Google Translator to type that.
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