Windows 7 Fanatics! - RealWorld forums

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Windows 7 Fanatics!

Share your memories of one of the best Windows OSes ever!
on January 15th 2020

I just made this topic to bring memories back since Windows 7 ended support on 1-14-2020.

Share one of your best memories if possible, and talk about other things related to this awesome OS.

on January 1st 2021

The Descend of the Golden Era

on January 2nd 2021

i love the fact that it looks "glossy", you know what i mean?

on January 29th 2021

Windows7 had nothing too crazy, nothing too bad, it is just a perfect OS.

on February 1st 2021

playing chess on it with my brother ;-;
and minesweeper

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Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...