Colo picker not working in Vector layer? - RealWorld forums

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Colo picker not working in Vector layer?

on September 29th 2020

As in the screenshot below.... I'm trying to make an avatar, but I can't seem to select color from my photo. If I use a raster layer, and the Pen Tool, then I can press Ctrl to pick a color. In a vector layer it doesn't work. Also the button shown (img) doesn't seem to do anything.

A bug -- or am I doing it wrong?

on September 29th 2020

Actually I figured it out. The button is for picking a color off of the desktop, or something other than the RWIE window. Not sure how to get a color from my picture on the bottom layer, onto one of the vector shapes (?) I guess I'll just have the photo open in another application window and sample from there.

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