Cursor set for my Gaming group. - RealWorld forums

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Cursor set for my Gaming group.

PFP Gaming
on January 19th 2021

I need someone to design a cursor set (It can be static) for my gaming group called PFP Gaming. Whoever does the best, I will give them my Stonemason's Tool.
(and they can keep it!)

on January 20th 2021

Helm Yureah

on January 20th 2021

I'm a part of pfp, and I dont need the stonemason tool. If i'm in first place, i'll let whoever is in second place use it.

Insane Games
on January 22nd 2021

If you win can i have it i will also make a set

Insane Games
on January 22nd 2021

I made my set

on January 22nd 2021

this is good! nice astro!

Insane Games
on January 25th 2021

Sorry i didn't make that someone else somehow accessed my account and they made that in my account BUT they copied it from someone else

Insane Games
on January 25th 2021

But i changed my password and my account is safe now

Insane Games
on January 25th 2021


Insane Games
on January 25th 2021
 that is very good
Insane Games
on February 20th 2021

Story Below

Dumbo: *deletes the windows folder*
Computer: *stops working*
Dumbo: "Mom!"
Mom: Yes sweetie?
Dumbo: "My computer died"
Mom: "What do you mean?"
Dumbo: "I deleted the windows folder"
Mom: "YOU WHAT!!!!!!"
Dumbo: "I deleted the windows folder"
Mom: *spanks him for 5 hrs*
Dumbo: :-(

Insane Games
on March 2nd 2021

Starting today, 3/2/2021 is the TOTM contest for March icon-21556 The theme is *drumroll* RAINBOW!! Using this cursor you need to make an animated cursor from it!! How the cursor looks cursor-151969

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