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Render to image

The Sword of the Heart
on August 1st 2007

I would suggest some new way to rotate a 3D model in RWIE.

But the main problem here seems that it is actually pretty impossible to render anything to an image properly, after long minuets of turning and editing and getting it just right, all my work goes away when I click the Render button. Technically, the image is still there, but a large portion is cut off and it's not set in the position I left it in. I ended up getting so frusterated I took a screenshot of the model and saved it as a PNG in paint, then made the image into an icon. This worked, but there is considerable quality loss when you look at it closely.

If there's a fix to this problem I foolishly overlooked, please tell me about it. ;-)

on August 1st 2007

The idea is to save the .u3d file and then click the "Render to Image" button which opens another window, where lights and camera are configured. There are actually two 3D windows. The upper one is used to place lights and the LOWER one is for camera setting and shows a preview of the final image. It should be possible to set the camera relatively easily. Right mouse button dragging rotates the object, left mouse button dragging moves it and middle button zooms in and out. Also W S A D Z SPACE keys can be used.

The Sword of the Heart
on August 1st 2007

I KNOW, but it doesn't work. I've tried and -never- gotten a good image, even -with- an awesome preveiw.

But thanks for the help.

on August 1st 2007

That is a bit strange, could you send a screenshot of the application window just before you click the "Edit Snapshot as Raster Image" or "Create Icon form Snapshot" buttons and possibly also the resulting window to Maybe I will be able to see what went wrong.

The Sword of the Heart
on August 1st 2007

I just tried it again, my luck was no better. I guess I'll e sticking to my 'screenshot' method.

on August 1st 2007

Well, while possible, it is far from optimal. Try sending me the screenshots of the application window, I guess I will be able to tell you what to change.

The Sword of the Heart
on August 1st 2007

I've tried to use the lights, but they don't work. The rotating isn't any better off. Anyway, here's the screenshot:

on August 2nd 2007

Lights may be a bit tricky, I would recommend to stick with Directional lights. Other types may appear not to work unless they are configured properly. For example a Point light appears at the center of the coordinate system from where it usually does not shine on anything, because it usually is inside the object, similarly with Spot lights, they are even trickier.
One more thing, the upper window is used to position the lights, but they have no effect in that window (well, unless you click in that window and then click "Toggle scene lights" in "View" menu). The effect of lights is again visible in the lower window and in the "Snapshot Preview" panel if it is open.

Anyway, the screenshot looks as it should. I suppose you have been playing with the camera and now it points in an awkward direction. You can fix it by clicking "Look at Origin" and the "Look from Z Axis" from the eye toolbar button.

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