A General Thing - RealWorld forums

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A General Thing

My First forum post ever
on January 17th 2022

I would like to talk about how this page is what I like. First of all, here are the basics of the nice things on RealWorld:

  • The people here have great opinions, cursor sets and ideas.
  • In reviews, there are various formatting options like this, this and this.
  • My third bullet point, being that I like the website's theme and how you can change the background to something else.

And just generally discuss any suggestions for my cursors, new cursors or just to tell me if something is wrong with any cursors.

on January 18th 2022


on January 18th 2022

Have you tried any of the backgrounds I made?

on January 18th 2022

Yes, I have but the font colour makes it a bit unreadable. Not to complain or anything though.

on January 18th 2022

Also, two questions.

1. How do you make your own background and upload it to realworld?

2. How do you seperate different things in your about me section?

on January 19th 2022

1: You have to make a seamless background and talk to Vlasta about it,
2: There is a forum talking about it, you just have to search for it. I think its called formating

on January 19th 2022

Thank you!

on January 19th 2022


on January 27th 2022

What is the cursor junkyard?

on January 27th 2022

It is just a big list of cursors that people uploaded.
some are in a set and some arent.

on January 27th 2022

Question: How do I make my username have a coloured shadow/different colour?

on January 27th 2022

You need to have a spray paint(you can buy one for 5 buttons at Scunkies on the people tab) then you go to your workshop and choose the spray paint you want to color your name with, and select use it.

on January 27th 2022

Oh, thank you for the answer! And I now know what the spray paint is used for.

on February 3rd 2022

Hello again!

Another question, if I apply a spray paint to my account, then I change my name, will the colour be removed?

on February 4th 2022

nope :-)

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Vista & Win 7 icons
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