Replace one color with another - RealWorld forums

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Replace one color with another

Recolor Flood Fill
on January 25th 2022

Left click a color on an image and it changes to another color, the one you have equipped on.

Vlasta, please write a script for this. It's not like this one. You physically use a tool by clicking it on the toolbar and using it without repeatedly opening a window to change colors. Sometimes, the linked tool just doesn't work. It simply just doesn't work.

Script, please. I'm in need of it. |-)

rsrc/derpy111.png image

on January 27th 2022

This thing cannot currently be done by a script. I'll see if the retouch tool could be modified for this kind of re-coloring, but it is not as simple as it seems.

on January 27th 2022

BUG: It says "Someone seems to be replying right now. Wait for it...", right after clicking "reply" then "cancel", even when no one is replying.

rsrc/derpy111.png image

on April 19th 2022

@Vlasta who wrote:

This thing cannot currently be done by a script. I'll see if the retouch tool could be modified for this kind of re-coloring, but it is not as simple as it seems.

Will there be an update?
The Derpy Girl icon-image/23772-16x16x32.png image

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥
on May 5th 2022

I see

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