How do I publish a cursor - RealWorld forums

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How do I publish a cursor

I want to publish a cursor
mr kevin
on August 15th 2022

I wanted to publish a cursor so I went to cursor - upload then I filled out the form with a .cur file in the file section. But when I clicked upload at the top it said invalid or missing .cur or .ani file, even though my .cur file works, I imported it to and it worked, so it must be valid, and I don't know why this happens, please help.(This probably is really badly formatted because its my first time)

on August 15th 2022

If you have imported it to, it probably is not a valid file, because there you can import images, not just cursors. It is probably a renamed png or something like that. You'll have to convert it to a real .cur file to publish it here, for example using the RealWorld Cursor Editor.

mr kevin
on August 15th 2022

I can't download the realworld cursor editor because I'm on a mac, do you think you could tell me a website or app that would work on mac?

on August 15th 2022

Well, you can draw cursor here on this web, but you cannot import images. Elsewhere on the web, seems to work fine, just create a 32x32 cursor and download it as .cur and then upload here.

mr kevin
on August 15th 2022

thanks, the second website worked

mr kevin
on August 15th 2022

What I did was just add an image from the image option and added my image, put the hotspot then downloaded it

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