Picture Resizer 2.0 - RealWorld forums

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Picture Resizer 2.0

Resize the folders and Copy
on September 25th 2007

When we copy a folder, all subfolders inside that folder are copied accordingly.

Can I use this picture resizer to resize all images inside the folders and then copy to a new place?

I use PhotoResize1600ROC

The problem is the photos in the folders and subfolders mixed together inside one folder.

Is it possible to separate the resized photos according to original folders and subfolders automatically?

Can someone help me please?

on September 25th 2007

Yes, it is possible, but you must use the -c command line switch:

PhotoResize1600RO.exe "-cC:\Destination Folder\<PATH><NAME>-<SIZE>.jpg" "C:\Source Folder"

on September 25th 2007

Vlasta, thanks for your prompt reply.

As I'm not familiar with -c command line switch, can you tell me where should I write the command PhotoResize1600RO.exe "-cC:\Destination Folder\<PATH><NAME>-<SIZE>.jpg" "C:\Source Folder"

Should I type actual name of "Destination Folder " and the "Source Folder"? Will the program copy the source folder automatically just like copying.

Looking for your reply.

Thanks in advance.

on September 25th 2007

Yes, the Source Folder and Destination Folder must be replaced by actual folders.
The command is meant to be typed on a command line prompt, but since you probably do not have a lot of experiences with that (no offense), maybe it will be better to use this method:

1. rename to PhotoResize1600RO.exe
2. create shortcut to that file and go to the properties of the shortcut and add "-cC:\Destination Folder\<PATH><NAME>-<SIZE>.jpg" to the Target field. Include quotes if your destination folder has any spaces.

or you can just copy the source folder manually and then use the tool renamed to PhotoResize1600ROI.exe - it will replace the files (the copies you have just made).

on September 25th 2007


It's a great help. The last solution can solve my problem.

It'll be a great great help if I can resize and copy the folders at one time.

I tried to change the properties of the shortcut and add
-cC:\Resized\<PATH><NAME>-<SIZE>.jpg to the Start in field. (The Destination Folder is Resized.)

However, the computer told me it is not effect. Is there something I misunderstood? Am I correct that I just copy the exact word <PATH><NAME>-<SIZE>?

Thanks for making such a wonderful tool. I hope I can fully use it.

on September 25th 2007

The parameter should be added to the Target field (at least on my Windows it is called Target). The Start in field just specifies the default folder for the running application.
The Target field should look like this:
"C:\full path to Picture Resizer\PhotoResize1600RO.exe" -cC:\Resized\<PATH><NAME>-<SIZE>.jpg

on September 26th 2007


This is what I need. Many thanks! :-)

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