Another problem, I'm soo dumby :P - RealWorld forums

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Another problem, I'm soo dumby :P

on October 17th 2023

I'm have a problem it my cursor that in can't solve it, i has creating cursors of subway surfers, and i'm upload but it have a error
(Members of a set must have unique file names. Please rename them before adding them to one set.)

on October 17th 2023

I had the same problem and I think I found why.
When you refresh the pages like the set creation, your browser would send you a message that would usually say something like "If you refresh, information on this page will be repeated" or something like that. (Example for Firefox: "To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.") If you refreshed the page and you dismissed this message, the page must've "duplicated" the cursors in the set you were creating, thus giving you that message when you tried to create the set. I would restart the whole thing. Just make sure to copy and paste the description if you wanna save time. Hope this helped!

on October 18th 2023

Thanks anime love, that's as big idea!

on September 8th 2024

Para resolver você pode renomear os arquivos que estão com nomes iguais Exemplo ( cursor grátis.cur você troca por cursor free.cur

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