How Do I Post Images And Cursors?
To post a cursor, go to the Cursor Upload page. The file should be .cur or .ani. Give it a name (leaving it blank will set it to the file name), give it a description if you'd like, then give it a specified hand gesture, License, and cursor role.
If you have uploaded at least 3 cursors, you can make a set on the Cursor Set Creation page. Give it name (No not use the words "set" or "cursor".), an identifier (this will be the name of the set's zip folder), a description, License, and the cursors to include.
To post an icon, go to the Icon Upload page. This process is similar for a cursor's creation. Upload the .ico file, then give it the information a cursor would get. (It is best that you give the icon multiple resolutions/sizes. You can do so in the icon editor.)
Same goes for making an Icon Set. Go to the Create Icon Set page, then give it the proper information. You will need to have at least 3 icons uploaded.
Hope this helps you!
Thanks For That.
if u want to copy and paste, remember to use ctrl + c and ctrl + v or use the mouse and drag it on the word to highlight it and then click with both of your fingers and then click copy but if it's already copied then click paste.