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Transparent Problem

Transparent Problem
on October 15th 2007

I am new to this and have 2 problems. 1. Part of my icon is white and I can not get the transparency to stop working and just show the white color. 2. What program can I use to configure the properties that define what action to take once it is clicked?
Thanks In Advance for the Help!!!!

on October 15th 2007


1. It auto-detects the background by default, but you can turn that off. Open the image and click the "Create custom icon" button, the at the bottom of the dialog, change the value in the "Transparency" box to "None". You may also want to uncheck the "Save changes" field, because usually the auto-detection is good.

2. The easiest way is to create shortcut to an application (right-click on it and select "Create shortcut" from the context menu. You can then customize the shortcut to use your icon.

on October 15th 2007

Great!!! Thanks for the help with the transparency problem. On the icon properties, I was wanting to create an icon that I could send out. Do you have a suggestion if I do not want to crete a shortcut, but just have the icon pull up a website?
Thanks again!

on October 15th 2007

If you only want to open a web site when you double-click an icon, you can use this online tool: make-shortcut-icon

But be aware, that it has problems with Windows Vista, the icon does not show on it.

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