Custom color palettes in 1, 4 and 8 bit images - RealWorld forums

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Custom color palettes in 1, 4 and 8 bit images

possible with RW Cursor Editor?
on October 28th 2007

Is it possible to define custom color palettes for 1, 4 and 8 bit images in RealWorld Cursor Editor?
If it is not possible, then this might be a good suggestion for an easy-to-implement feature for future versions ;-).

Best regards!

on October 28th 2007

No, it is currently not possible.

I am uncertain whether you refer to the palettes inside a .cur or .ani file or to palettes on user interface (also called swatches in for example Photoshop).

If it is the later, then yes, a facility allowing users to pick a couple of often used colors will be added in a future version.

If you meant the former (to define a custom palette to use in a .cur file), then I am afraid it will not be implemented, because a different strategy (automatic palette generation) was chosen.

In any case thanks for the suggestion. If you know about an important scenario that would benefit from the customized .cur palettes and it is not properly covered by the current approach, please let me know.

on October 28th 2007

You're damn fast with replying :-) - Thanks for that!

Well, yes I meant the file's palette.
Thanks for the link -> This explains, why I encountered this problem because [quote]For compatibility reasons, 1-bit and 4-bits palettes are hardcoded to the default Windows or Mac OS palettes.[/quote] ;-).

So, as I only use the cursors on my system I don't really care for the compatibility. Because of this I already altered the palette myself manually with an hex editor - Cursor Editor does not complain and lets me use my custom palette. So for me everything is fine :-).

My cursors only contain 6 colors, so that I wanted to keep them small (in file size), but the dithering with the OS-colors messed everything up. Maybe you want to add something like an "expert-mode" where people can access the palettes; just because I thing that this program is a very nice tool and this would be a nifty feature for people who want to use this ;-). IF you do so, then concerning the compatibility a compatibility-warning, or the like, can be displayed ;-).
Everything your choice - just a suggestion and not a claim ;-).
The program is great!

Thanks and regards!

on October 28th 2007

I see, there is nothing bad in wanting to make the cursor files as small as possible, but this is really a power-user option. One of the planned features for future versions is a scripting interface for all document types and not just for images. I believe adding a method or two for palette manipulation is no big deal. Though, it is going to take some time (a year), until the next version is released.

on October 28th 2007

Great to hear :-).
I do not need a cursor editing program that often, so no problem if it takes some time. Maybe in a year I'll head back here and see what has changed ;-).
Keep up the good work and the fast and perfect support!

Best regards.

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