Raster click? - RealWorld forums

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Raster click?

How do i make Raster click work?
Sword Frog
on December 1st 2007

How do i get the rastar to work because whenever i apply it and i click it doesnt work?

on December 1st 2007

I am sorry, I do not know what is the problem. Could you describe it in more details?

Sword Frog
on December 1st 2007

i just got the program last night but i sure that raster click it when you click somewere a picture apears where u click and i cant find a place to apply it to my cursor

on December 1st 2007

...I cannot say I understand you, but are you by change trying to set the active pixel of a cursor (The point that is usually at the point of the arrow if the cursor is arrow)?

Sword Frog
on December 1st 2007

this is wat im saying.....when i click the hot spot on the cursor flashes a pictures

on December 1st 2007

To set the hot spot, open (or create) a cursor. Then switch to the "Hot spot" tool by clicking on the blue cross icon in the toolbar above the editor window. The click on a pixel.

The Sword of the Heart
on December 2nd 2007

I think he wants a picture to appear when he clicks.

This is not possible in Windows. Get Stardock CursorXP and you should have a lot more options, including having a different cursor when the mouse is clicked. CursorXP is raster-based, so there's no limit on the size of your cursor. Just make a raster image (PNG, not RRI) and set it as the clicked state. Or you can use and ANI file (Animated cursor) to make an animation come when you click.

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