Picture Resizer and B & W Images - RealWorld forums

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Picture Resizer and B & W Images

on August 18th 2006

Are there any plans to allow Picture Resizer to work with black and white / greyscale images? Thanks for creating such an amazing program!

on August 18th 2006

To tell the truth, there are no fixed plans. Features are added as people suggest them. Greyscale images are not supported, because they were not considered important enough so far. One of the advantages of the tool is its small size, therefore only features fitting its original purpose are added. If you know about an scenario involving greyscale images, please let me know.

on August 18th 2006

I am writing a VB program that will automtically export PowerPoint slides as high quality jpeg files, then downsize them. PowerPoint 2003's image exporter is not the greatest, but I have found that exporting them at a high resolution and then downsizing them as a high quality jpeg using Picture Resizer gives great results. Several presentations have black and white slides (some graphs, statistics and boring slides), so Picture Resizer can't process them.

I also am experimenting with using Picture Resizer to generate contact sheets for my digital photo collection. I have several groups of black and white photos I would love to process with Picture Resizer.

on June 11th 2007

I work with B/W images at times (ACR output defaults to grayscale image with no CbCr channels). The current workaround is to apply a slight tint so that the image remains in color, but it would be very much appreciated if the support for B/W can be added to this great software.

on June 11th 2007

OK, since these questions and requests are getting more frequent, B&W support will be added in next version, but do not ask when that will be...

on June 12th 2007

Kudos to the addition of B/W support.

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