Centering images in batch - RealWorld forums

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Centering images in batch

on November 10th 2005

Here's another variation that would be of emmense use to me. There are 4 jpgs that are the source for a paper model of the Hubble Space telescope. You print the images and make the model. The problem is if you look all the images are of different sizes:

h01.jpg = 820 x 1063 pixels
h02.jpg = 692 x 1087 pixels
h03.jpg = 691 x 712 pixels
h04.jpg = 814 x 754 pixels

The problem is I cannot print these images at "fit to paper". If I do, then the model parts from one page will not be scaled similiar to model parts to another.

What I currently do is take the above dimensions, pick out the biggest width, height (in this example (820 x 1087), and make a blank sheet of that size, an paste all of the images into that blank sheet centering the image. When done, all the jpgs are now a uniform size and printing can be done. this is all very time consuming, Imagine if it was a 50 page model.

I'd love to have a program similiar to yours is style that would do just that, not resize the image but expand the borders of an image so that all the images in a directory are of uniform size. Is that a big deal?

on November 10th 2005

There are plans to make a flexible batch image processor and this is a nice test case. But since the software is not complete yet, I have modified Picture Resizer to center images instead of resizing.
Download CenterImages.exe for NT-based systems (192 kB).
No parameters this time. And it only supports dragged and dropped JPG files, no folders.

on November 11th 2005


I ran Centerimages.exe on a windows 2000 machine against h01.jpg, and I can see it can accurately determine the pixels, 820x1063, and it also creates h01-center.jpg, butI don't see any difference between the two jpg files.

********************** start of log *************************

C:\jlc\Jon\dl\software>centerimages C:\jlc\Jon\dl\resizetest\h01.jpg
Image: 820x1063 ... C:\jlc\Jon\dl\resizetest\h01.jpg

Maximum size: 820x1063
Press Enter to continue, or Ctrl C to exit
Picture centered: C:\jlc\Jon\dl\resizetest\h01.jpg

Find latest version of CenterImages and other handy software on
Press Enter to exit


******************* End of Log ****************************

WAIT A MINUTE!!!! I see, on the drag and drop of several files it works perfectly!!!! thats exactly it!!!:

******************* Start of log ******************************

Image: 691x712 ... C:\jlc\Jon\dl\resizetest\h03.jpg
Image: 814x754 ... C:\jlc\Jon\dl\resizetest\h04.jpg
Image: 692x1087 ... C:\jlc\Jon\dl\resizetest\h02.jpg
Image: 820x1063 ... C:\jlc\Jon\dl\resizetest\h01.jpg

Maximum size: 820x1087
Press Enter to continue, or Ctrl C to exit
Picture centered: C:\jlc\Jon\dl\resizetest\h03.jpg
Picture centered: C:\jlc\Jon\dl\resizetest\h04.jpg
Picture centered: C:\jlc\Jon\dl\resizetest\h02.jpg
Picture centered: C:\jlc\Jon\dl\resizetest\h01.jpg

Find latest version of CenterImages and other handy software on

Press Enter to exit

******************** End of log *****************************

Thank you!!!! Can it be available for win98 as well???

on November 12th 2005

OK, here is a version for Windows 98 : CenterImages9x.exe (you may of course remove the '9x' suffix)
One more thing: the number of processed files is limited as discussed here.

on November 14th 2005

yes, I ran into that process limit problem as well. I now move all
files I want processed into the directory c:\t and use that as a working directory. 65 jpgs, no problem.

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