error in RealWorld Cursor editor - RealWorld forums

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error in RealWorld Cursor editor

on February 23rd 2008

well.. I was creating cursors in tihis program and when I'm going to do a new one (cursor from image) the screen stays white and I cant do the cursor T_T.

well i hope somewone can hel me


on February 23rd 2008

Does opening of other .cur and .ani or even .jpg, .png files work? Does the problem occur with only single image or with? If it happens with any image or with any .cur or .ani file, try running Manage Cursor Editor from start menu and click Reset Configuration button.

on June 2nd 2008

im having the same problem...
it seems to do this most when you work with .ani cursors but it keeps doing it all the time with everything!!

on June 2nd 2008

Could you send a screenshot to and describe it in more details?

on October 3rd 2008

Have you tried reinstalling Realworld designer? That might work.

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