how do i make a cursor - RealWorld forums

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how do i make a cursor

how do i make a cursor
on March 10th 2008

im new and i was wondering how do i make a cursor

on March 10th 2008

You need to get Realworld cursor editor. It's a free download!

on March 13th 2008

nope i downloaded it today i still cant make a cursor can anyone help me?

on March 13th 2008

There are some tutorial videos on youtube on how to make cursors. One from me, which is a bit difficult for beginners, but also others. Searching for RealWorld Cursor Editor is a good start.

on March 14th 2008

ok guys i have made my first cursor anyone wanan see it if so tell me how to post it lol im only new

on March 15th 2008

You can add it to the online library by opening it in the editor and cllicking "Add to online library" in the "Cursor" menu.

on March 15th 2008

ok i added it to libary know what??

on March 16th 2008

Now it is done. If you create more cursors and they have something in common, you can turn them into a cursor set. For this, you must be logged on and all your cursors must have been added with your email address. You can them create the set from the main page of the library (the link is near the bottom of the page).

on March 16th 2008

lol i only made like 3 cursors and i uploaded a tree cursor lol

on March 16th 2008

well, there is no rush, only make the cursors when you feel like it...

on March 17th 2008

lol i dont know hwo to make animated one can someone help me

on March 17th 2008

Start the application and use the New animated cursor wizard. Then add new frames (and paint it) and set the time each frame is visible. The animation is created by showing the frames in cycle.

on March 21st 2008

i wont be able to do that lol

on March 25th 2008

sure u can
thats what i thought=]

1c3 bl4tz
on March 29th 2008

sum1 should make a robin hood hat as a rs cursor :/

on April 7th 2008

lol how i dont even understand what he said lol

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