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Showing all 46 items matching 'osu'.

osu yugen Teaserosu yugen Cursors
by KingTB3389this is the cursor of the osu! skin yugen
Osu! TeaserOsu! Cursors
by sparta0303267a few coloured Osu cursors for you to mix and match to your liking
Osu best TeaserOsu best Cursors
by M9ICH1953
osu hearts Teaserosu hearts Cursors
by M9ICH3953I was often asked to make colored versions of hearts, and in the end ...
osu! animated Teaserosu! animated Cursors
by Rem Sai2067Inspired by rhythm game osu! ====================================== L...
osu Teaserosu Cursors
by M9ICH7704The site from which I made cursors:
funny happy video game fella Teaserfunny happy video game fella Icons
by r5ne (curs0r)314these little happy fellas--- will probably serve no use to you cuz u ...
osu!Cursors Teaserosu!Cursors Cursors
by ProjectPokdt963for the osu! gamers this is obviously a bad cursor set but i will try...
Osu Large TeaserOsu Large Cursors
by Andrebeck27424Osu is a game, (a pretty dumb one in my opinion, but I still kinda li...
OSU! Circles TeaserOSU! Circles Cursors
by Sturmy372I Have no Hobbys so i made this pack ^^

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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?