Items with 3D tag

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Tag: 3D

Appearing to exist in a three dimensional space, with width height, and depth.

Ivory 3D TeaserIvory 3D Cursors
by codewar65351Ivory 3D rendered cursor set. Based on Cyberpunk Green / Blue / Red s...
Steampunk 3D TeaserSteampunk 3D Cursors
by codewar651937Wood grained cursors with animated bronze gears, and old world mapped...
Roswell 3D TeaserRoswell 3D Cursors
by codewar654910Roswell 3D is an animated cursor set raytraced in POV-Ray and assembl...
Curvy Chrome TeaserCurvy Chrome Cursors
by codewar654064A 3D rendered version of the familiar default Windows cursors applied...
Curvy Onyx TeaserCurvy Onyx Cursors
by codewar652064A 3D rendered version of the familiar default Windows cursors applied...
Cubular Microsoft Office TeaserCubular Microsoft Office Icons
by 58629255Translation errors may occur. ENGLISH: Well? It's Microsoft Office ic...
Astro TeaserAstro Cursors
by AJaxx6119A fun set of cursors for windows. Both sizes [32,48] are included. Ad...
Alien (Purple) ⚫ TeaserAlien (Purple) ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx1993A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2005 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
OMG! TeaserOMG! Icons
by cdl232OMGosh! Someone had to do it so I did! This set of colorful three dim...
Portal Collection TeaserPortal Collection Cursors
by TheKalebFish1087
3D Heart Teaser3D Heart Icons
by cdl687Multiple design 3d heart icons in a variety of vibrant colors.
Totally Trippy TeaserTotally Trippy Cursors
by adrenochromedream1931cursors of the totally trippy nature
Lovesick Skulls TeaserLovesick Skulls Cursors
by adrenochromedream247A mix of stuff, mostly hearts and skulls.
All Star TeaserAll Star Cursors
by adrenochromedream759A random grab bag of great stuff
Rainbow TeaserRainbow Cursors
by adrenochromedream1890Rainbow themed cursors
Party Pack TeaserParty Pack Cursors
by adrenochromedream1154a fun mix of flashy colored cursors
Animal TeaserAnimal Cursors
by adrenochromedream629cute animal cursors
Pokémon Pack TeaserPokémon Pack Cursors
by adrenochromedream4232Various Pokémon cursors
Too Cute TeaserToo Cute Cursors
by adrenochromedream4132cute cursors, including many tokidoki characters *tokidoki (translate...
Xonix TeaserXonix Cursors
by AJaxx4876A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Cosmos ⚪ TeaserCosmos ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx889A fun, legacy CursorFX set from 2008 ported for windows. Added extra ...
Trinity of Colors ⚪ TeaserTrinity of Colors ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx1610A fun, legacy CursorFX set from 2011 ported for windows. Credit: Kron...
Etheros TeaserEtheros Cursors
by AJaxx3092A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Color Blast TeaserColor Blast Cursors
by Mudkip591Follow me at Roblox, DudeUltraSmart Sub to me at YT, DudeUltraSmart F...
Batman ⚪ TeaserBatman ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx1883A fun, legacy CursorXP set ported for windows. Both sizes [32,48] inc...
Mechanical ⚫ TeaserMechanical ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx3070A fun, legacy CursorXP set ported for windows. Both sizes [32,48] inc...
Rotary ⚫ TeaserRotary ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx2633A fun, legacy CursorXP set ported for windows. Both sizes [32,48] inc...
Venom ⚫ TeaserVenom ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx3454A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2010 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Grab Bag II TeaserGrab Bag II Cursors
by adrenochromedream1224a various assortment of great & fun cursors everyone should find some...
Out Of This World TeaserOut Of This World Cursors
by adrenochromedream507outer space themed cursors
It's Spring TeaserIt's Spring Cursors
by adrenochromedream1443various cursors either spring related or having colorful rainbow/spri...
Star Wars Platinum TeaserStar Wars Platinum Cursors
by adrenochromedream5144Star Wars related cursors
Color Frenzy TeaserColor Frenzy Cursors
by adrenochromedream2529a colorful bunch of fun cursors
Spring Fever TeaserSpring Fever Cursors
by adrenochromedream919a feverish mix of flashy & fun cursors
All Mixed Up TeaserAll Mixed Up Cursors
by adrenochromedream3177An ultra mix of trippy, fun & colorful cursors.
Pyramid Head Lux TeaserPyramid Head Lux Cursors
by adrenochromedream316Pyramid Head of Silent Hill
All Mixed Up II TeaserAll Mixed Up II Cursors
by adrenochromedream2271An ultra mix of trippy, fun & colorful cursors.
cdRainbows TeasercdRainbows Cursors
by cryosende2723Its a Simple and Nice Cursor With a Rainbow Effect;
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...