McPetey McNustard's timeline

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McPetey McNustard's timeline

The timeline displays icon and cursor sets added by McPetey McNustard ordered by publishing time. Move your mouse over the time-line to display art previews.

Joined in May 2022
1 set published
McNustard's Rocket TeaserMcNustard's Rocket Cursors
by McPetey McNustard1323Various Rocket Based Cursors, with various of degrees of flamatry.
Jan 2023
3 sets published
McNustard's MKII Ornate TeaserMcNustard's MKII Ornate Cursors
by McPetey McNustard599If you're feeling extra fancy, this is the set for you.
McNustard's Ornate TeaserMcNustard's Ornate Cursors
by McPetey McNustard423Various Ornate Cursors, for when you're feeling extra Victorian.
McNustard's Junkyard TeaserMcNustard's Junkyard Cursors
by McPetey McNustard54Here is where all of my lonely cursors go to find peace... I hope tha...
2 sets published
McNustard's Space Ship TeaserMcNustard's Space Ship Cursors
by McPetey McNustard153Just a couple intergalactic cursors for all of your astro-computing n...
McNustard's Ornate MKIII TeaserMcNustard's Ornate MKIII Cursors
by McPetey McNustard169For when you need some classy cursors.
Jan 2024
1 set published
McNustard's Sword TeaserMcNustard's Sword Cursors
by McPetey McNustard2022The perfect set for the aspiring swordsman.
4 sets published
McNustard's Minimalist TeaserMcNustard's Minimalist Cursors
by McPetey McNustard102For those who want a nice, clean, semi-retro look.
McNustard's Desktop Buddy TeaserMcNustard's Desktop Buddy Cursors
by McPetey McNustard330If your feeling lonely, here's a Desktop Buddy to keep you company!
McNustard's Light/Dark Segmented TeaserMcNustard's Light/Dark Segmented Cursors
by McPetey McNustard204"Minimalistic" Segmented Cursors that feature both Light and Dark var...
McNustard's Computer TeaserMcNustard's Computer Cursors
by McPetey McNustard519For the Aspiring Computer Enthusiast.
1 set published
1 set published
McNustard's Magic Wand TeaserMcNustard's Magic Wand Cursors
by McPetey McNustard1248A Cursor Set for When You Want to Cast a Few Spells.
Jan 2025
2 sets published
McNustard's Giraffe TeaserMcNustard's Giraffe Cursors
by McPetey McNustard459A Giraffe Cursor Set To Accompany You On Your Digital Safari.
McNustard's Dolphin TeaserMcNustard's Dolphin Cursors
by McPetey McNustard1613Some Dolphin Cursors for all of your Tropical, or Frutiger Aero needs.
3 sets published
McNustard's Long Tail TeaserMcNustard's Long Tail Cursors
by McPetey McNustard154Some Long Tail Gothic Inspired Cursors for when you wanna conjure up ...
McNustard's Jumbo Detailed TeaserMcNustard's Jumbo Detailed Cursors
by McPetey McNustard189Just a large sized cursor set for all you out there losing your curso...
McNustard's Trilobite TeaserMcNustard's Trilobite Cursors
by McPetey McNustard209Relics of an Ancient time... All of the Resize Cursors are animated, ...
Last seen in Mar 2025
1 set published
McNustard's Reaper TeaserMcNustard's Reaper Cursors
by McPetey McNustard2919The Lord of Death at your fingertips! I had a blast making this set, ...
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