Orisnismy88's timeline

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Orisnismy88's timeline

The timeline displays icon and cursor sets added by Orisnismy88 ordered by publishing time. Move your mouse over the time-line to display art previews.

Joined in Feb 2019
13 sets published
Ice Cream Kawaii White TeaserIce Cream Kawaii White Cursors
by Orisnismy882914100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Light lue Star TeaserLight lue Star Cursors
by Orisnismy881633100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Ice Cream Kawaii Brown TeaserIce Cream Kawaii Brown Cursors
by Orisnismy882141100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Gatito Kawaii TeaserGatito Kawaii Cursors
by Orisnismy882298100% creado por mi, espero que les guste ♥ y que lo descarguen, esc...
Blue Candy TeaserBlue Candy Cursors
by Orisnismy881050100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Ice Cream Kawaii Pink TeaserIce Cream Kawaii Pink Cursors
by Orisnismy886627100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Green cactus TeaserGreen cactus Cursors
by Orisnismy881905100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Pink Ice Cream TeaserPink Ice Cream Cursors
by Orisnismy881184100% created by me, I hope you like it and that you download it, writ...
Donut Pink Kawaii TeaserDonut Pink Kawaii Cursors
by Orisnismy883825100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Yellow Ice cream TeaserYellow Ice cream Cursors
by Orisnismy88825100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Unicornio Morado TeaserUnicornio Morado Cursors
by Orisnismy88800100% creado por mi, espero que les guste ♥ y que se lo descarguen, ...
Brown Donut TeaserBrown Donut Cursors
by Orisnismy88683100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Flor Morada TeaserFlor Morada Cursors
by Orisnismy881224100% creado por mi, espero que les guste mucho y que lo descarguen me...
3 sets published
Apple Pink TeaserApple Pink Cursors
by Orisnismy882668100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Purple Donut TeaserPurple Donut Cursors
by Orisnismy883464100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Yellow Kawaii Chicken TeaserYellow Kawaii Chicken Cursors
by Orisnismy8811k100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
11 sets published
Pink Macaron TeaserPink Macaron Cursors
by Orisnismy881478100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Brown Donut with sparks kawaii TeaserBrown Donut with sparks kawaii Cursors
by Orisnismy882683100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Purple Heart Kawaii TeaserPurple Heart Kawaii Cursors
by Orisnismy884661100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Blue Heart Kawaii TeaserBlue Heart Kawaii Cursors
by Orisnismy884018100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Green Macaron TeaserGreen Macaron Cursors
by Orisnismy881341100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Pink Kawaii Donut TeaserPink Kawaii Donut Cursors
by Orisnismy883797100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Yellow Macaron TeaserYellow Macaron Cursors
by Orisnismy881178100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
White Macaron TeaserWhite Macaron Cursors
by Orisnismy881160100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Brown Macaron TeaserBrown Macaron Cursors
by Orisnismy881545100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Pink Heart Kawaii TeaserPink Heart Kawaii Cursors
by Orisnismy885367100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Green Heart Kawaii TeaserGreen Heart Kawaii Cursors
by Orisnismy883330100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
2 sets published
Peach Kawaii TeaserPeach Kawaii Cursors
by Orisnismy885664100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Pink Flower Kawaii TeaserPink Flower Kawaii Cursors
by Orisnismy8811k100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
1 set published
Purple Unicorn Kawaii TeaserPurple Unicorn Kawaii Cursors
by Orisnismy885531100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
1 set published
Pink Macaron Kawaii TeaserPink Macaron Kawaii Cursors
by Orisnismy882326100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
1 set published
Peach Pink TeaserPeach Pink Cursors
by Orisnismy883791100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Jan 2020
2 sets published
Purple Basic TeaserPurple Basic Cursors
by Orisnismy88973100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Red Basic TeaserRed Basic Cursors
by Orisnismy881275100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
1 set published
Blue Basic TeaserBlue Basic Cursors
by Orisnismy881350100% created by me, I hope you like it a lot and you download, I wrot...
Jan 2021
Jan 2022
Last seen in Nov 2022
Jan 2023
Jan 2024
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
Select background
I wish there were...