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View Dashat's timeline, last visit on June 16th 2024

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Icrosshair. Cursors (18 cursors)

Released on March 10th 2023 by Dashat

I once saw and downloaded a crosshair cursor and found out it sucked due to the fact that it was all black and I couldn't see it in dark environments, which isn't exactly desirable even if I was a masochist who only uses light mode. So I decided I was gonna make my own crosshair which actually works due to its negative color technology. Have fun!

(you may not see it but that's because its color is negative. trust me its really cool once you actually use it.)

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user icon Anonymous on March 10th 2023


user icon Anonymous on September 5th 2023

:-o :-) ;-) :-) :-D |-) Ur mother

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
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What about ICL files?