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Windows Vista Icons (13 icons)

Released on February 1st 2008 by Mr. Zidgel

Since the popular Windows Vista is in the shelves and store windows, here are some icons that correspond to them.

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Windows Vista TeaserWindows Vista Icons
by Mr. Zidgel5339Since the popular Windows Vista is in the shelves and store windows, ...
Cool 3D Things TeaserCool 3D Things Icons
by Mr. Zidgel5842It's like the "Cool Stuff" icon set, except it's 3D and cooler.
Swords TeaserSwords Cursors
by Mr. Zidgel24kCool Swords
Random Things TeaserRandom Things Icons
by Mr. Zidgel1439Whatever is in this set, their might be cool things inside that might...
Recycle Bin Indicators TeaserRecycle Bin Indicators Icons
by Mr. Zidgel2009Shows if your recycle bin is full or empty in other †cool icons. â€...
Cool Stuff (v.1.0) TeaserCool Stuff (v.1.0) Icons
by Mr. Zidgel1990Cool icons, huh.
Sciencey TeaserSciencey Cursors
by Mr. Zidgel4481cool science, iden't!
Accessibility - Windows Classic Style TeaserAccessibility - Windows Classic Style Cursors
by Mr. Zidgel6881Cursors specialy designed for left-handed people.
StickDude TeaserStickDude Cursors
by Mr. Zidgel24kWatch it be stupid with a movie! --------------------------------- St...
CoolPointer TeaserCoolPointer Cursors
by Mr. Zidgel5655These cursors were made before the Vista OS period. Don't consider th...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

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I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
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