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absterninja's profile

View absterninja's timeline, last visit on November 16th 2016

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I love programming computers and graphic design!

Sorry if I don't get to some of you guys's requests or improvements on any of my sets. I can get really busy, ya know? I will try to create some more sets this year. I hope you guys like my work!

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Check out my new Homestuck Sets!

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Featured art


Homestuck Trolls Icons (25 icons)

Released on February 18th 2013 by absterninja

Sorry for the lack of sets, but I have been very busy with lots of things.

This is my first set made with mostly Photoshop. All my other sets were made with Real World. I got Photoshop Elements for Christmas and have been messing with it for the past couple of months.

I have started and caught up on the web comic Homestuck, and it is amazing. For those who have not read it, you should.

These icons are characters in the story. Each one is related to a horoscope symbol, and the horoscope fits most of their personality.

I hope you guys like them! I worked really hard on this set!

Latest art

Homestuck Godtier Aspect TeaserHomestuck Godtier Aspect Icons
by absterninja724Another Homestuck set! This set features the different Godtier aspect...
Homestuck Kids TeaserHomestuck Kids Icons
by absterninja505Yup, another Homestuck set. There's more to come too. So yeah I've ju...
Homestuck Trolls TeaserHomestuck Trolls Icons
by absterninja1088Sorry for the lack of sets, but I have been very busy with lots of th...
Abby's Awesome Website TeaserAbby's Awesome Website Cursors
by absterninja423Yes, I know this set breaks the "all cursors must be related to each ...
American Currency TeaserAmerican Currency Icons
by absterninja375This set was requested by lost girl. They are finally finished! They ...
App Style C-Drive TeaserApp Style C-Drive Icons
by absterninja301These are glossy, colorful C-Drive icons for your computer. I\'m sor...
Nuclear TeaserNuclear Icons
by absterninja298These are a fallow up set to my nuclear waste cursors. I hope you li...
Transparent Bubbles TeaserTransparent Bubbles Icons
by absterninja1344This is a fallow up set to my transparent bubbles cursors. Enjoy! I ...
Christmas TeaserChristmas Cursors
by absterninja2317These cursors are very festive for the holiday season. Enjoy!
Doodle TeaserDoodle Cursors
by absterninja2040These are kid-friendly, fun cursors that fit almost any computer them...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where absterninja participated

Recent comments

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user icon Anonymous registered user on May 5th 2012

Can I Please Have Your Spray Paint?

user icon absterninja registered user on May 10th 2012

I have one red one, but I see that your name is already red. You can buy paint on the list of online users page using buttons that you get from reviewing other people's sets.

user icon Anonymous on June 17th 2012

kwl stuf

user icon Israphel registered user on August 26th 2012

Cool stuff!

CoOl :3

user icon absterninja registered user on February 18th 2013

Hey guys! Check out my latest set, I worked really hard on them and I hope you like them!
icon-image/5261-16x16x32.png image icon-image/5262-16x16x32.png image icon-image/5262-16x16x32.png image icon-image/5285-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on May 23rd 2013

i love you

you to

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on February 11th 2016

cool icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

user icon nibbler forum moderator on November 16th 2016

Welcome back, absterninja!

user icon Anonymous on October 7th 2023


user icon Anonymous on January 22nd

damn gurl where u been at ladyy ;-)

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons